🏠Home Screen
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On the home screen:
Current Level (Area 1 in the image below). You can tap on it to navigate to the Levels screen.
Energy Bar (Area 2). It displays both the current energy level and the maximum limit.
Current Coin Balance (Area 3).
Tap Area (Area 4) where players tap to earn coins.
Main Menu (Area 5), which is available across all screens after the game loads.
Here, players can earn coins by tapping on the globe. The gameplay is limited by the available energy, which decreases with each tap based on the tap reward value.
The tap reward is variable and can be increased by purchasing the Multitap booster on the Boosters screen. Initially, the tap reward is 1 coin per tap.
The energy limit is also variable and can be increased by purchasing the Energy Limit booster. Initially, the energy limit is set at 1000 units.
Energy gradually regenerates, and the recovery speed can be increased by purchasing the Recharging Speed booster. The default recovery speed is 1 energy unit per second.
Players can also fully restore their energy using the Full Energy booster, available for free on the Boosters screen. This booster can be used up to three times per day.
Players also have access to Turbo Mode, a free booster that can be activated on the Boosters screen. This booster can be used up to three times per day.
In Turbo Mode, a countdown timer appears beneath the globe (Area 1 in the image below). Turbo Mode lasts for 20 seconds, during which the tap reward is multiplied by 5.
If the player exits the game session without using the full duration of Turbo Mode, the remaining time will resume in the next session.